Thursday, November 15, 2012

Election 2012: What Do God's People Do?

I have been without my laptop since election night or I would have posted sooner. However, it is probably a good thing because I have had time to reflect on what happened and organize my thoughts. I was terribly sad that Mitt Romney didn't win. I really believed he could pull it off but at about 11:15 that night when the race was called I couldn't believe it. I kept thinking they would back up and say no it's too close. The next day I was off work and listened to the pundits and "experts" discussing how it happened. There is much wailing and nashing of teeth in the Republican Party about what they should do now. But I would pose a different question: what do God's people do now?

I know this may come as strange question but I am a Christian and so I wonder what does God expect of us. So many "experts" claim that the Republican Party should forget about those pesky "social issues" and stop taking such a hard line on immigration. So we now live in a society where expecting people not to be here illegally is a hard line, cherishing human life and supporting the long held belief of traditional marriage is extreme. I read a article entitled "Welcome to Liberal America" on the buzzfeed website. It basically said this is what America is becoming and we must accept it. Well, I don't know about anyone else but I am not going to accept it. We not only have an economic decline and decline in our standing in the world but a moral decline in this country that has been happening steadily for years. I am a Christian and I believe in the inerrant truth of God's word. God deals in moral absolutes and we have become a society deals in moral relativism. Nothing speaks to me stronger on this as to what God says than Romans 12:2

"Be not conformed to this world but be transformed by the entire renewal of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve God's will...his good, pleasing and perfect will."

I don't see any gray area here, folks. We reject the world and what it says is right. The renewal of our mind comes from knowing God and knowing God starts by knowing His Word. We don't get to cherry pick and conveniently ignore what scripture makes us uncomfortable and doesn't fit into our view. We conform to His will not the other way around. I know it's not always easy but this scripture tells us there should be no daylight between our mind and God's. Society doesn't matter, He does, when it comes to right and wrong. The word abortion may not be in the Bible but God is the Creator of all life so how could He condone the taking of a life? Take a look at Leviticus chapters 18 and 20 if you want to know what God says about same sex relationships. Now, I submit to you as Christians, in disagreeing with His Word, we are basically telling him we know better and we put what society says above what He says.

So where does that leave us? It leaves us at a turning point and I put to you this: It's time for the church to be the church. When churches stop worrying about this program or that program or how many bodies are in the pews and start getting down to the nitty gritty of what God says, you will see a revival like you have never seen. In our study on revival in Sunday School we have been talking about 2 Chronicles 7:14

"If my people who are called by my name, will humble themselves, pray, turn from their wicked ways and seek my face, I will hear from Heaven, forgive their sin and heal their land."

It starts with us.

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