Saturday, August 11, 2012

Why I Heart Paul Ryan

Mitt Romney finally did it. He finally made me smile. In fact he made me giggle like a school girl.  He was never my first choice or even second or third.  But in his choice of Paul Ryan as VP he has finally made a bold move that could turn his campaign around. Ryan, a seven term congressman from Janesville, WI. and chairman of the House Budget Committee, combines intellect with passion.  Ryan has real "street cred" when it comes to economics and how to navigate through the mess we find ourselves in with nearly sixteen trillion in debt and over a one trillion dollar budget deficit.  He has real ideas for reforming medicare and social security. They may not be easy to swallow but we are past the point of tepid ideas and compromise. Hard choices have to be made, some short term and some long term, to save our country from becoming Greece. The old way of doing things and hands off my medicare are gone. We got in this mess because no one was minding the store and no one had the political will to stop it. I believe that Ryan does and will be brutally honest about what is happening. There are fewer workers for every retiree, people are living longer and Medicare is going broke.  I work in the health insurance field and fewer and fewer doctors are wanting to take Medicare and Medicaid because payment is so low. Something has to be done to keep these programs solvent. But that may mean restructuring them for younger Americans. If we don't by the time I retire in about thirty years there won't be anything for my generation or those after me like my cousins' children and my stepfather's grandchildren. Not only that but they will be saddled with paying off this debt long after I'm gone. I want better for them. I want better for myself. America was built on individual freedom and ingenuity, not on handouts and an overreaching federal government. Romney and Ryan understand that.